Running with Steyning AC
7pm to 8pm on Tuesdays (Group Runs) and Thursdays (Intervals Sessions)
Leaders: Camilla Bishop, Adrian Brown, Liz Claridge, Gez Cummins, Carly Pretty, Andy Pumfman, Claire Ridley, Graham Russ.
TUESDAY: A session aimed at anyone who would like to get into running, those who want to push themselves to run quicker, or those who enjoy a social group run. We split into groups covering a range of paces/distances at the start, and run a set route. We meet on Steyning Cricket Field (near the tennis courts) in the summer months, and by the Steyning Leisure Centre Tennis Courts in the winter.
THURSDAY: Suitable for runners of all levels who are looking to improve their times, from 5km to Ultra-Marathon. Coached outdoor sessions around Steyning and the South Downs. Interval training incorporating speed, resistance and technique. Meet at the Steyning AC Clubhouse on Charlton Street.
Runners looking to join us for the first time must contact us to let us know they are planning to attend. You will be welcome to attend for 3 or 4 taster sessions before deciding whether or not to join the club.

Some events in which Steyning AC participate:
West Sussex Fun Run League (WSFRL) – from 5km to 10km with many events over the South Downs. A wide variety of paces, so all are welcome at any speed. Scoring incorporates ‘performance’ points with 10 for each of the first 10% finishers, 9 for the next 10% of finishers etc, and EVERY runner scores 1 participation point for their club (to a maximum of 25), so just taking part earns the club points.
Sussex Athletics events – Sussex Road Relays, Sussex Cross Country League, Sussex Cross Country Relay Championships, Sussex Cross Country Championships and Sussex Masters Cross Country Championships – run by age group and gender
Steyning Stinger – local cross country with a choice of half marathon, 30km or full marathon. Take part or help as a volunteer!
Steynfield – along the Downs Link between Steyning and Henfield. Steyning AC versus Henfield Joggers
South Downs Way Relay – teams of six (plus a driver) racing 100 miles from Eastbourne to Winchester
Sussex Grand Prix – distances from 5 to 15 miles
Year Planner

Click here to see more of how Steyning AC are involved in the #runandtalk initiative